EAST AVERT MIS ETC 966 is a large scale project funded by the Joint Operational Programme “Romania – Ukraine – Republic of Moldova 2007-2013″
The project general objective is the protection of border areas in the upper Siret and Prut River Basins against flood risk, other natural hazards of the water cycle and accidental pollutions, and reducing the environmental, economic and social vulnerability of targeted localities from the border region against flood risk.
On 28th of November 2013, the Joint Managing Authority of the Joint Operational Programme “Romania – Ukraine – Republic of Moldova 2007-2013″ has signed the grant contract.
The project is implemented by partners from Romania, Ukraine and Republic of Moldova. The project aims to reduce the vulnerability of the communities from the border areas exposed to flooding risks by carrying out upgrading works on the Stanca-Costești hydrological complex and improving the warning system by installing monitoring equipment (automate stations) in Siret and Prut River basins.
The project leader is the Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forests from Romania, whereas its partners are 3 from Romania, 1 from Republic of Moldova and 3 from Ukraine.
The total project budget is 9.24 million euros.