Ivano Frankivsk – 4th workshop for disseminating EAST AVERT results & flood risk maps

Workshop agenda [PDF]
Danube Strategy – 6th Annual Forum of EUSDR Budapest

With the occasion of 6th Annual Forum of EUSDR, held in Budapest, 18-19 October 2017, an article about EAST AVERT Project was included in EUSDR PA4 and PA5 special issued edition of the Hungarian Journal of Hydrology http://www.hidrologia.hu/mht/letoltes/HK2017_03_web_v3.pdf
Danube Strategy – 5th Annual Forum of EUSDR Bratislava

Text The large-scale project “The prevention and protection against floods in the upper Siret and Prut River Basins, through the implementation of a modern monitoring system with automatic stations – EAST AVERT” MIS ETC 966, financed by the EU Joint Operational Program “RO-UA-MD 2007-2013, was considered a flagship project for its connection and synergy with […]
Chernivtsi – 3rd Workshop for disseminating EAST AVERT Project hazard & risk maps

Workshop agenda [PDF]