The large-scale project “The prevention and protection against floods in the upper Siret and Prut River Basins, through the implementation of a modern monitoring system with automatic stations – EAST AVERT” MIS ETC 966, financed by the EU Joint Operational Program “RO-UA-MD 2007-2013, was considered a flagship project for its connection and synergy with EU Strategy for Danube Region objectives and activities.
The project’s main objective “to strengthen the protection of the border areas in the upper Siret and Prut River Basins against the flood risk, and reducing the environmental, economic and social vulnerability of targeted localities from the border region” addresses especially Priority Area 5 “To manage environmental risks”.
The project activities are implemented in the upper Prut and Siret River Basins, Rivers which belong to the lower Danube region.
Synthetized, one of main project’s outputs were: (i) the development of a trilateral forecast and monitoring system; enhancing the functionality of complex hydro-technical system Stanca Costesti; (ii) the elaboration of flood hazard and risk maps – Atlas for border area of upper Siret and Prut River Basins; (iii) enhancing the warning system by common improved procedures and improved modelling and forecasts systems.
Considering the above mentioned arguments, EAST AVERT Project implementation contributes to the achievement of the targets and goals of the relevant actions in PA 5 EUSDR, but also contributes in some aspects to the PA 4 EUSDR too, as PA5.04 – To strengthen operational cooperation among the emergency response authorities in the Danube countries and to improve the interoperability of the available assets; PA 5.08 – To develop spatial planning and construction activities in the context of climate change and increased threats of floods; PA 5.01 – To develop and adopt one single overarching floods management plan at basin level or a set of flood risk management plans coordinated at the level of the international river basin and PA 04.12 – To strengthen general awareness and facilitate exchange of good practice in integrated water management issues in the Danube Basin among decision-makers at all levels and among the population of the Region.
In February 2016, EAST AVERT Project received a Letter of Recommendation from PA 5 Steering Committee (https://www.danubeenvironmentalrisks.eu/pa5-letter-of-recommendation ), being considered as fulfilling the weighing criteria for selection, which are: to be in line with the actions and targets of the Priority Area; to be located in the Danube Region and its results shall have a macro-regional or transnational impact; to bring an added value to the Strategy by contributing to any of the targets and/or actions of Pillar II; to be technically feasible and financeable (realistic); to have project leader, partners, deadline, agreed workflow & work packages (in case of project proposal); not be in contradiction with other policy objectives. The project results were presented to the 5th Annual Forum of EUSDR, held 2016 (3-4 of November) in Bratislava, Slovakia, in plenary session of Workshop “Water – non-alternative source of life” dedicated to projects related to PA 4 & PA 5 EUSDR.